Being is all encompassing. "I am the path" is a quote that each of us should take personally! Not anyone or anything outside of Self, but we, our Selves are "the path, the truth and life" itself! It is my opinion that Love is the source of all Being and it is endless in it's space. Each constriction of such endlessness leads to illusion. Within our life on this planet we can only express life through constrictive thoughts, behaveours and activities. Life itself is a constriction. A narrowing of Endless Spirit, where we are Totally One within this Endless Spirit.
It is not the denial of such constriction that lead us to true insight. It is the acceptance of each constriction and each kind of focus as an expression of life itself, without indentifying our selves with such constriction, what may lead to the true insight in the Endless Source of Being!